Workshops & Classes

You have from this point forward to create beautiful outcomes in every area of your life
The Possibilities Circle
Step into the Circle to bring more of what you want into your life.
The energy we hold is the environment that determines what will grow and become the harvest of tomorrow. In this Circle, we cultivate and amplify the energy of loving nurturance in order to bring the NEW that you want to experience into your life, whether your "new" is broadly defined or specific.
Over the course of these four weeks, we immerse ourselves in a vibration that nurtures that which is unseen yet ready to be born. We meet for four virtual sessions and the Circle members remain connected between sessions and beyond in a supportive Telegram group.
If you're able to participate in the weekly sessions real time, that is strongly encouraged. If that is not possible, the sessions will be recorded and available for a limited time.

Conscious Creation Amidst Uncertainty
You influence what happens in the future - whether you do it on purpose/consciously or unconsciously
It's easy to forget, or perhaps you don't realize, how much power you have to create the future
What happens tomorrow or next week/month/year is not pre-determined AND the future is NOT out of your hands - by any means!!
Gathering in Circle will help bring focus and energy to that which we want in life rather than what we are concerned about, are fearful of, or no longer wish to experience
The Circle offers empowering ways to get closer to that which you want - even if you don't know exactly what it is! - without any change in your current circumstances
Learn how to continue to embody the energy of conscious creation in all areas of your life and, as a result, experience a greater sense of purpose and fulfillment while being a force for positive change in the world
Being Pregnant With Your Most Authentic, Infinitely Expansive Self
Live knowing the beyond-beautiful, beyond-perfect being that you are and love you more than you've ever loved anything, even though no one else can see the most authentic you and no one else will ever love you the way you do. Don't let anything diminish your light, your determination, your knowing.
Be peaceful and confident and know that it is only you who can do this. It is up to you in this moment ... and the next ... and the next.
When pregnant with all three of my children, I had an unparalleled-for-me ability to allow thoughts that were not going to nurture my childrens' health and development to just fall away. Pregnancy somehow put me in hyper-focus mode. I knew the stakes of a child's wellness and happiness were so high that it would be my top priority above all else.
When pregnant, I could accept what was happening in my life and around me without worry or fear - no matter what it was. I didn't try to understand it or engage in a thought process that would cause internal stress and strife because I didn't want this beautiful, peaceful, all-love/no-fear being to feel the stress and negative emotion.
Why was I not doing the same for myself?
Why did I not treat myself with the same level of care and nurturance?
Conditioning and thought patterns can be hard to break, but it is possible to do so!

Will you love yourself and your dreams with everything you have?
Will you guard yourself with the pure love of the mother that is in us all?
Let's recognize it is impossible for anyone else to see or understand the future that will emerge from within you.
It's up to you and only you.
Remember, the future is every moment beyond this one. It's not a far away thing. Start loving yourself and your future now in this way and watch what happens.

Live Possibilities Circle Sessions
Week 1
Week 2
Week 3
Week 4
Tuesday, Sept 10
7pm - 8:30pm EDT
Tuesday, Sept 17
7pm - 8:30pm EDT
Tuesday, Sept 24
7pm - 8:30pm EDT
Tuesday, Oct 1
7pm - 8:30pm EDT